
Trump’s Wildly Unhinged New Ramblings on Fox News Reveal the True MAGA

Trump’s Wildly Unhinged New Ramblings on Fox News Reveal the True MAGA

Over the weekend, Donald Trump did a long, bizarre Fox News interview, flatly declaring he had a “right” to interfere in the last presidential election. He also reasoned that “God” may have chosen Trump to fix our “sick” country,” and sawthed about an “enemy within” that’s out to get him. It’s unhinged stuff that gets at a bigger story: Trump’s feeding of his MAGA audience’s various pathologies has been getting darker and uglier. We talked to writer Anne Lutz Fernandezauthor of a good new piece at The Unpopulist website about MAGAwho helps us decode how Trump is communicating to the increasingly radicalized elements of the MAGA movement these days. Listen to this episode here.